Title Sequence: Fantastic Mr. Fox

I created a 30-second animated credit sequence based on “Mr. Fantastic Fox.” Our final cinematic includes four key scenes featured in the movie, with a contrasting text in the foreground introducing the films character and voice actor. My role in this project was to sketch and illustrate the vector elements. I compiled my designs into four style frames to show a glimpse of the final stages during our process.

Infographic: Cats and Mental Health

I was required to create an infographic poster displaying a topic of my choice. My poster includes a collection of research and information about ways that owning a cat can impact a human’s mental health positively. I illustrated the visual elements and iconography included in the poster to support my research.

Brochure: Humber Arboretum Signage

I formatted and designed an informative booklet for a mock redesign of the Humber Arboretum signage system. The printed product includes signage design for directional, informational and various cautions. It also details the ideal material and structural layout.

Twitch Overlay and Branding: Another Whiskey

This project was in collaboration with a small Twitch streamer to design a definitive brand identity for Another Whiskey, including UI elements for active streams. This package includes a twitch stream overlay, and a detailed style guideline.